


At Mission Baptist Church, worship is at the heart of everything we do. Through vibrant music, heartfelt prayer, and the preaching of God’s Word, we gather to honor and praise our Creator. Our worship services are designed to help you encounter God’s presence, deepen your faith, and respond to His love. Whether through contemporary songs or timeless hymns, we invite you to join us in celebrating the greatness of our Lord and Savior.

Sunday mornings @ 10:30AM

Contemporary Worship Service + Kids Program

100 North Oval (i.e. near the corner of Sterling St. and King St. W.)

Love God

Love is central. Jesus said that the most important of all teachings is to love the Lord God with all of one’s heart, mind, soul, and strength. The scripture also says that God himself is love, and that the most authentic expression of love was Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross. For this reason, Mission Baptist Church aims to be a congregation that helps people understand the love of God, so that we might grow in our love for him.

How do we nurture a love for God?

  • We seek to be a community growing in the knowledge of God’s love.
  • We take the Holy Bible as our starting point for all things, knowing it to be the revealed, written word of our loving God.
  • We believe the Lord desires for us to know him; we therefore lead our people to seek out a personal, loving relationship with him.

We organize our ministries, services, and events to model and promote the spirit of loving care and grace revealed by God through his Word and through the life of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Love Others

As love defines God, so should it define us. Jesus was asked about the most important command, and he surprised no one by speaking of the need for loving God. But what he said next was a surprise for some. He added a “part-two” to his greatest commandment by declaring that each person should love their neigbhour as they love themselves (Mark 12:31).

At MBC we desire to become a truly loving faith-community. Our desire is to be genuinely concerned for others, sincerely committed to service and care, and authentic in our relationships with one another.

How do we nurture a loving Community?

  • We strive to nurture a family atmosphere in all that way do.
  • We create opportunities for relationships to deepen and grow.
  • We teach and encourage everyone to use their God-given spiritual gifts.

We believe that spiritual health, growth, and maturity are possible only in loving community – in a community centered upon the truth and grace of the Lord Jesus.

Take Action

“The kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.” 1 Corinthians 4:20

The call to love God and others is a call to action. We believe that a relationship with the God of love, nurtured in a community of Christian love, should always translate to an outpouring of loving action. Our neighborhoods should be affected, so too our schools, places of employment, and families. The downtrodden should be blessed, so also the orphan, widow, and any suffering under oppression or injustice. The love of God, active in his Church, should be the most powerful force in the world. That is the kind of church we desire to be.

How do we nurture loving action?

  • We actively proclaim the need for the church to be positively engaged in the world.
  • We provide opportunities to serve, witness, and support our city.
  • We provide funding for a variety of local services and ministries, as well as for global missions.

“Let us love not in word and speech, but in action and truth.” 1 John 3:18